Q. Do I have to accept taking on more job responsibilities when they are not offering me any more money?
You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do when it comes to your job.  If you are in a position to accept additional responsibilities, ask what the long-term plan is for you and your position.  Is this an interim increase in responsibilities or is it permanent.  Knowing where you stand will help you decide whether this is something that could lead to better things in your current job, or if you are being taken advantage of and need to address the issue.  When in doubt, always ask.
Q. I’m up for a promotion, should I tell them how much of a raise I should get?
Having a good idea of what your market value is important if you are up for any kind of promotion or new job.  However, it’s never a good idea to start off a conversation with your boss negotiating a salary you haven’t even received yet! Best advice is to listen to the wonderful promotion opportunity you have at hand and then thank your boss for the promotion.  If you feel like your salary is in question, then the best approach would be to do your homework and then address it with Human Resources or your supervisor at a more appropriate time.
Q. I got laid off earlier this summer and I noticed that my former company has another job open that I would be perfect for.  Is it appropriate to apply for a job with my old company when I was laid off?
Yes, you should absolutely contact your HR representative or your former boss to see whether you would be a good fit for the job you are interested in.  Depending on the circumstances for your departure and there are no restrictions built into you returning to your former company, you should be able to apply for a job with your former employer as long as you left on good terms and you are eligible for re-employment.  Most companies usually post openings for employees who are subject to layoffs but when that is not the case then, it’s up to you to do your homework and definitely follow up if there is a job that interests you.
Q. This guy I interviewed with started asking me personal questions about my social life on the interview?  Is that allowed?  He even asked to “friend” me on Facebook!
Under no circumstances should you ever answer personal questions on an interview no matter how “informal” the interview was intended to be.  Recruiters are smart and they will try to find out as much about you hoping you will divulge some details of your personal life that can be used to disqualify you from the running.  Do not become friends with the recruiter until AFTER you receive a job offer.  It is not appropriate under any scenario to have a personal conversation with someone who is in a position to offer you a job that you do not already have a relationship with.  Be careful of falling into the trap because that is exactly what this is.  Do not be fooled that the recruiter finds you irresistible or wants to build their FB list because they don’t.  Stick to questions and conversation that only talk about your qualifications for the job and nothing more.
Q. I haven’t heard back from the interviewer in over a month when they told me that I was a finalist for a job and I’ve tried calling them with no response back.  Is this a bad sign that I did not get the job?
Chances are recruiters are very busy either screening, sourcing or interviewing for open positions.  If you had an expectation set that the recruiter would contact you then by all means follow up to find out what the status of the search is.  If you’ve made every attempt to contact the recruiter and they still have not responded, chances are you did not get the job and it’s time to move on and apply your efforts elsewhere.