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Find Video Production Jobs in San Francisco

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Video Production Jobs in San Francisco

San Francisco is home to an assortment of video production jobs in feature film, television, network news, corporate videos, and advertising. The most successful video production professionals in San Francisco tend to have a varied skillset, as on any given project, that professional might be asked to write, produce, direct, edit, film, or do visual effects on their production.

In San Francisco, the most popular video production jobs are Art Directors, Cinematographers, Directors, Set Designers, Production Assistants, Producers, and Writers.

If you're looking to start a career in video production, it is essential to gain experience working on a professional production set. Video professionals tend to start their careers as production assistants, assistant editors, and camera operators. The major growth in jobs for video production is coming from online entertainment, as increasing amounts of companies and studios produce content for online distribution on platforms like YouTube and Facebook Media.

The top ranked schools in San Francisco with programs and degrees in video production are Stanford University ($44,169 per year, out-of-state), San Francisco State University ($18,372 per year, out-of-state)and Academy of Art University ($20,040 per year, out-of-state), according to rankings published by the Hollywood Reporter and Hack College in 2016.

Some of the top cities for finding jobs in video production tend to be Los Angeles, NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, and Miami. You could build a successful career in video production in any one of these cities. However, out of those cities, San Francisco ranks third in terms of the total number of video production jobs available and the average level of salaries in the field. Among those cities, about 9% of all video production jobs are located in San Francisco.

According to Glassdoor, some of the highest-rated video production companies in San Francisco include Yahoo, HBO, ABC Network, Lucasfilm, and Google.

The following are estimates of salaries and wages for video production jobs in San Francisco, which were compiled from, Glassdoor, and the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Cinematographers and Photographers - $63,000 per year, or $30.29 per hour

Reporter I - $41,000 per year, or $19.71 per hour

Reporter II - $49,000 per year, or $23.56 per hour

Broadcast Technicians - 56,000 per year, or $26.92 per hour

Editors - $74,000 per year, or $35.58 per hour

Senior Videographers - $75,000 per year, or $36.06 per hour

Creative Managers - $103,000 per year, or $49.52 per hour

Set Designers - $74,000 per year, or $35.58 per hour

Producer and Directors - $101,000 per year, or $48.56 per hour

Professionals working in video production in San Francisco also tend to work in the following industries, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics: Blog or Vlog Production, Corporate Videos/Presentations, Online and New Media, Design, Technology-Media Companies, Marketing.

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