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The Margarita Lunch (And Other Things I've Learned)

by Christine Kent, The Career Couch

Christine Kent

Hi Everyone,

Even for those who love their job, we all have our goods and our bad days at work. From New York to Los Angeles, I have worked in many different areas of the entertainment industry, and worked in countless situations over the years. Through it all, one thing that has kept me sane is my ability to cope in the workplace. Currently, we are in a job climate were many people feel trapped, and like they have no choice but to stay in their current job. There is also added pressure to never take a day off and a lot of us no longer take a real vacation. While this can be bad for you and ultimately bad for the job your quality of work, it is a reality in this day and age. Many worker bees don’t feel like they can safely step away from their jobs for even a moment during the day. The problem with this is that workers that are stressed out and overworked tend to get burned out faster and their work suffers, as the chance for mistakes rises. This scenario is bad for everyone!

Instead of working yourself into a suite for two at the funny farm, try taking things a little easier at work. Below are some tips I’ve used over the years to cope with stress on the job and keep my sanity during times when the workload was out of control.


Embrace the Margarita Lunch - Who says you can’t step away from your desk every now and then? Yes, that’s right, I’m suggesting you actually pull away from your work for an hour and get out of the office. I learned early on that a change of scenery in the middle of the day really helps to get your engines recharged. It will do wonders for your sanity and it can help you to feel like the rebel you yearn to be!

Just Say NO - In this job climate, no one likes to say “no,” but you are not a machine. It’s OK to admit every once a while that you have a full plate and you can’t take on too much. Learn to say “no” both professionally and socially. It’s been proven that employees who are stretched too thin make more mistakes and get burned out way too fast. Saying “no” from time to time is perfectly acceptable. It saves you and it saves your job!

Laugh It Off - It’s been said that laughter is the best medicine and its true. So learning to laugh on the job can really help to give you and those around you a boost. There’s nothing that says work can’t be fun, so laugh, make jokes, hang up cartoons, and share amusing anecdotes with your co-workers. You can also keep toys at your desk like a Magic 8 Ball or a Slinky. Laughter is catchy, so before you know it everyone will be having a good time, and then work will be a place you all look forward to going.

Accept and Release - Look, we all make mistakes on the job. It’s just a part of being human. So, don’t beat yourself up the next time you slipup. Instead of spending your precious time and energy consumed by worry and thoughts of how things went wrong, accept the mistake, fix it, and let it go. If you let it consume you, it could ruin your flow and create more problems. When a mistake arises, learn from it, make note of it for the future, and then release it. I have found this to be the healthiest way to approach mistakes on the job.

Don’t Just “Rinse and Repeat” - In other words, make time for yourself. Nothing can put your nose to the grindstone faster than a poor job climate, but you also have to take time to nurture yourself and refuel. So, don’t get caught in the vicious cycle of “waking, working, sleeping” then rinse and repeat. Find extra curricular activities that engage you in a meaningful way. Adopt a pet. Do something for yourself and others and volunteer at a nonprofit organization. Whatever you chose to do, be sure its something you get joy from and something that gives back to you, as well. You need to take time for you!

Were In This Together - Yep, that’s right. You and your co-workers are all in this together, so try planning some sort of after work group outing. Start a bowling night, see a movie once a month, or plan a group yoga session. Having fun with your coworkers outside of the office is great, because it helps you to see each other as people and not just as other worker bees. It is a bonding experience, plus it can be a lot of fun!


These are just a few things I’ve learned over the years to help me cope on the job, but they should be you started in the direction. Above all, be sure to remember that you are a human being and humans do have needs, as well. So grab that margarita lunch and protect your sanity on the job. Not only will it save you in the long run, but it also may make work a place you like to be!

Until next time...stay tuned!

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Christine Kent, head of recruitment services for greenlightjobs offers you years of counseling, coaching and couching people in their careers for years specializing in media and entertainment professionals. A frequent guest speaker at Otis, Art Institute and industry networking groups, Christine offers her avid followers down to earth approach at crafting, drafting and branding their careers for maximum results.