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How Do You Measure Up?

by Christine Kent, The Career Couch

Christine Kent

I have never been much of an advocate for comparing myself to others. I’ve always maintained that we should relish in our differences and walk to the beat of our own individual drums. However, there are times when comparing yourself to others and seeing how you measure up can be beneficial.

When looking to get an edge in your career and in your job search you should look to what others are doing. Be aware of industry trends and stay current on changes and improvements in your field. This type of practice can be particularly difficult in the entertainment industry, as we are a group who collectively praise the free-thinker and reward individualism. However, there are times when we all need to conform to gain and keep a competitive edge. I know what some of you might be thinking, and while engaging in this line of thought might seem counter-intuitive, it can actually be a career necessity. It’s really a matter of knowing how to play the game, and playing the game to win. If you want to be the best and excel in your field you must compare yourself to others to see how you measure up. Once you’ve done the comparisons, it’s just a simple matter of fixing the areas that need improvement and further cultivating the areas where you’re ahead of your peers. It might not come easily to everyone, but measuring yourself against others in your field is the best way for you to gain an edge and stay on top.

Below I’ve listed some tips for measuring up to your peers and staying on top of things in your job search and in your career.


Keep Your Skills Current - As an individual, and as a professional, you should always be growing and evolving. To remain competitive in the job market always be sure that your basic IT skills are current, and that you are up to date on technological trends. For example, just a few years ago, the average professional could get by without the use of a smart phone. Today it’s a necessity for just about any professional in any industry to have a phone that does it all. If you're a creative, it’s essential that you keep your artistic and professional skills sharp as well. Stay on top of current trends. Take classes either in person or online that will add to your repertoire of skills. Being on the forefront of industry trends and technology, and constantly learning and evolving will help you to keep your edge and stay ahead of the competition. What a way to stay on top!

Dont Be An Ostrich - One thing that’s very important at any stage of your career is to be informed. Always know what’s going on in the industry. Read the trades and check out the daily reports online. Also keep abreast of projects and know what is in the pipeline, both for your target companies and for their competitors. Yes, that’s’s important to know what the competition is doing, so do your due diligence and be sure you know what is going on in your own industry. Don’t be an industry ostrich. No one wants to hire someone who has their head in a hole. Knowing what is going on and where the industry is headed will also help you to guide your own career and be the master of your own destiny.

Market Your Product - Always be sure your marketing tools are up to speed. You are the product you're always selling. Keep your resume current at all times, and always be sure your business cards (yes, people still use those things, and they can be very valuable to you in networking.), bio, and project lists are current. For artists, keep your portfolio updated, too. Your resume and your artistic work samples are a living, breathing account of who you are, and should never become stagnant. Always put your best foot forward and show your best, most current work. No one wants to wait for you to update things over the weekend. By the time Monday rolls around, the opportunity may have passed you by.

Go To Charm School - Well, don’t actually go to charm school, but hold a charm school for one, right in your own home. Think about the celebrities that grace our screens and stages, or even think about the most popular person in your high school. We all know someone who people gravitate toward and that others just like being around. What secret do these people hold? How did they get to be so darned charming? These people just exude charm and charisma, and so can you! All you have to do is work a little bit at it. I mention this because many of us in the arts have a tendency to be more introverted in nature. It sort of comes with the territory that those who create, have always had a very active life within, but maybe are not so outwardly inclined. So how do you change that? Spend some time going over your interview pitch in the mirror. Smile at yourself and watch as the smile travels to your eyes and brings your entire face alive. Keep working at it and do your charm school/mirror trick every day. Soon you will find it that being out-going and having that charming sparkle comes easier to you. Why do I bring this all up? Employers love to hire people who are charismatic. You could be the best, most qualified person for the job, but if another qualified person walks in and charms their socks off, they could walk away with the job. So, be the most qualified and the most charming candidate or employee. You will win the day!


Measuring yourself against the competition can be difficult, but it’s a necessary way to see if you are on the right track in your job search and in your career. Knowing where you stand against others in you field will not only give a valuable place to work from, but it will also give you an edge. The old saying, “know thy enemy” is true. Know who you stand against in your job search and in your career. Evaluate where you measure up against your peers and you will be the candidate and the employee every employer wants on their team!

Until next time...stay tuned!

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Christine Kent, head of recruitment services for greenlightjobs offers you years of counseling, coaching and couching people in their careers for years specializing in media and entertainment professionals. A frequent guest speaker at Otis, Art Institute and industry networking groups, Christine offers her avid followers down to earth approach at crafting, drafting and branding their careers for maximum results.