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Biting Off More Than You Can Chew...

by Lara Meade, Office Administrator

Lara Meade

The New Years resolution is an overrated tradition I gladly indulge in. Maybe because I’m a hopeless optimist, or maybe because I’m a ecstatic sadist-it could go either way. Whether you’re hopeful for the New Year, or a glutton for punishment, most of us make these resolutions annually as we think about the future and things we’d like to do differently or improve.

But most of us fail-big surprise right?! A 2007 study by Richard Wisemen at the University of Bristol found that 88% of their 3000 participants who set New Year resolutions failed. In many cases these researchers found that it was because the participants were asking too much of their bodies, and that there was a direct relationship between the number or size of resolutions one takes on and the success one has at reaching those goals. They discovered that the key to changing unwanted behaviors is to not bite off more than you can chew, but to break your goals down into tiny bite-size, attainable, chunks. This year I’m going to have two small resolutions, one personal, and one professional.

My professional resolution is to recharge my batteries and regroup everyday. But rather than making a blanket resolution to do something no matter what, such as taking an hour lunch outside of the office every day, I’m going to make a tiny, itsy-bitsy, flexible resolution. Though I would like to take 60 minutes to myself each day, some days that’s just not possible because of the nature of my work. The time I will take can be something as simple as walking away from my desk to grab a cup of coffee, take a short walk, meditate, or, if need be, run out to my car to take a 15 minute catnap if I need it. Last year I found that when I didn’t make any time for myself at work, those were some of my worst days. The quality of my work and demeanor at the office improved greatly even if I take 15 minutes to regroup.

I’m taking the same approach for my personal resolution. My personal resolution is to work out at least 3 times a week. In the past I’ve made the resolution to lose 5 or 10 pounds, but I don’t think I’ve ever succeeded. I bought a designer dress, that was a size too small, on clearance last year that I’ve never worn because I can’t seem to make that goal. My hope is that exercising at least 3 times a week will slowly get me to goal of losing that last 5 pounds so that I can finally zip up that elusive $25 designer dress.

So no matter your resolution, be it professional or personal, small or large, take a measured, realistic approach and you’ll be more likely to succeed. Good luck and Happy New Year!!

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Occupational Hazard is a new bi-weekly blog on the woes of working in the entertainment industry by Lara Meade, an Office Administrator who joins greenlightjobs editorial team. Lara has worked in the entertainment industry for the past five years and has had her share of weird encounters and bizarre bosses. We’ve all had those days at work when we have to deal with idiot bosses, or testy co-workers, or days when we wish we could have stayed in bed. Lara’s blog is dedicated to those worker-bees who struggle to deal with life in the spotlight of the entertainment industry. This is not so much career advice, as a place to hide when you should be doing something else.